For almost all Eela audio mixing consoles we can still help you on modules new and/or used.
Of course you can also contact us for repairs, inquire about the possibilities.

Need parts? potmeters, switches, CPU, faders, electronic components, buttons, fronts, connectors, CPU

Schematics & (telephone) support

Every day we get e-mails and phone calls asking if we can help them with their problem, how to connect an Eela mixing console that they bought on the internet, if we can send them a diagram or if they can call.

To be clear, we never earned anything on equipment that Eela audio sold. We did not buy the analogue branch to get rich, but to save it. If we had not bought it, everything would have been gone by now! But I also have to be able to pay the rent every month and that is only possible if something comes in.

Without income the light will go out here too, so yes I can probably help you but that is not free. Support is possible but is charged at a normal hourly rate.

We can be very brief about that, copies of diagrams are not provided! Of course we can overhaul / repair your equipment in our technical service.